
Mannheim-based photovoltaic company sells Australian business

The Mannheim-based photovoltaic company WIRCON GmbH (now STARVERT Energy) has sold its Australian business WIRSOL Energy to the Malaysian company Gentari. The sale was completed on 14th February 2023.

“The sale of our Australian business is a major consequence of the strategic realignment of WIRCON GmbH. Our future focus lies primarily in Europe. As a photovoltaic company based in the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region, we will now also implement a range of forward-looking projects both within the Rhine-Neckar region, and across Germany,” said WIRCON Managing Director Dr. Jörg Gerike.

In the process of the sale, it was particularly important to WIRCON GmbH that all 30 employees of WIRSOL Energy in Australia would continue to be employed.

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