Construction Projects

construction projects


The Valgenweg solar park is located in the north-east of the Netherlands, in the province of Groningen.

Project acquisition ✅

The Valgenweg solar park is a successor project to the Delfzijl solar park. After the successful construction and operation of the Delfzijl solar park — with an output of 30.8 Mwp — WIRCON GmbH received the contract for the construction of the Valgenweg solar park.

Approval ✅

To gain permission to establish a solar park, an approval process is required, in which various authorities issue permits. Among others, this includes a building permit, grid connection consent and a grid contract, as well as a legal water permit. A lease agreement must also be concluded with the landowners. It is important to WIRCON GmbH here to take nature conservation into account as early as during the planning phase, and to combine these aspects with the economic outlook of the solar park.

March 2019
May 2022
Construction stages

Preparatory construction measures
and establishment of construction infrastructure:
100 percent

Erection of substructure:
100 percent

Electrical installations:
90 percent

Module assembly:
100 percent

Commissioning, Acceptance, Rework:
0 percent

Compensatory measures to promote biodiversity

In the north of the solar park, a soil embankment is being built, which serves as a privacy screen to residents. After completion of the construction work, strips of flower beds for insects will be created within the solar park. These can serve as important food sources for wild bees and other insects.

The design of the solar park already takes into account that sheep should be able to graze in the park. This requires special “bite protection” devices so that the animals cannot injure themselves, and electrical cables cannot be damaged.


Completion of the Valgenweg solar park is planned for summer 2023.


Operation Commissioning of the solar park is planned for summer 2023.

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